Biometrics Brings a |
Every individual has a set of unique characteristics that can be used to confirm his identity. Fingerprints, the pattern of the iris, and DNA can all be captured, filed, and then compared at a later date. |
Gone Phishing |
Cyber criminals have gone phi-shing ?and you might end up as the catch of the day. Phishing is the act of sending an e-mail that claims to be from a legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the recipient into providing personal data that will be used for identity theft. |
Reaching Next-Genera |
Contrary to what some alarmists were predicting when the Internet hit critical mass, the popularity of Web surfing in the workplace has not caused American business productivity to crumble. For many employers, a reasonable amount of personal Internet usage during the workday is accepted. |
Executive "Pay for P |
For several years now, companies have been generously rewarding their top executives with ever-growing salaries and stock options. Option grants climbed by 20 to 40 percent per year for nearly a decade. |
The On-Line Advertis |
In the golden age of television, companies that wanted to make a major impact created what was called a “roadblock??they advertised at the same precise time on all three networks to ensure that anyone watching television at that moment would have to watch their message. |