Breaking Through: Co |
| Sally Susman |
ǻ | Harvard Business Review Press |
명화와 수다 떨기 |
| 꾸예(역: 정호운) |
ǻ | 다연 |
The New Science of M |
Since the first human beings traded goods in ancient times, the holy grail of business has been to know what the customer wants. |
The Reverse Brain Dr |
As we뭭e discussed on many occasions, the primary driver of economic well being in the rest of the 21st century will be innovation. For more than a century, the United States has been the world뭩 most vibrant economy ?largely because it has been the consistent leader in scientific research and innovation. Regardless of whether you measured this innovation in terms of scientific papers published, or the number of patents issued, the U.S. always left the competition in the dust. |
사라지지 않는 중국의 위협 |
코로나 바이러스로 인한 세계적 봉쇄는 중국과 화웨이의 5G 시장 점령의 야망에 장애가 되고 있다. 미중 경제 전쟁으로 불거진, 중국과 화웨이를 대체하고자 하는 세계적 움직임은 여전히 가변적이지만 진행 중이다. 앞으로 어떤 일이 일어날 것인가? |