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Science Is Profoundl |
Since 1945, mankind¡¯s worst nightmare has been nuclear weapons. But, for the next generation, the worst nightmare is likely to be biological weapons. |
The American Border |
As illegal immigrants stream across the U.S. borders at a rate of 3 million a year, they provide both benefits and burdens for the economy. |
Japan Is Hot Again |
Since the year began, the Nikkei stock index has posted a gain of nearly 9 percent. That¡¯s the best performance of all of the major stock indices of the G-7 nations, according to economist John Park of Kudlow & Company. |
It"s the Values |
In recent years, Americans have been battered by Bill Clinton¡¯s sex scandal, the terrorist attacks of September 11, and the corporate excesses of Enron, Disney, and WorldCom. |