Quantum Computing Ad |
Many of the problems of nanotech, biotech, and anti-terrorism are so complex that today’s computers ?based on an architecture defined nearly 60 years ago ?can’t address them. However, hope is on the horizon as researchers get closer and closer to building commercially viable quantum computers. |
The Entrepreneurial |
Several forces are converging to make this an unprecedented time to start a business. And that trend is already bearing fruit. Consider the fact that the number of the nation¡¯s smallest businesses, those which only employ their owners, increased by 2.2 million from 1997 to 2002, according to the Census Bureau. |
Geothermal Energy Is |
Speculation, economic growth, and global tensions recently drove oil prices to around $50 per barrel. In a world in which energy consumption is constantly rising, the potential to tap geothermal energy is stunning. |
These Are the Plunde |
ÀúÀÚ | Gretchen Morgenson |
ÃâÆÇ»ç | Simon & Schuster |
Housing Boom Peaks O |
We are in the midst of . . . the biggest world-wide housing boom ever,¡± declared Robert Shiller, the Yale economist and author of Irrational Exuberance. In August 2004, sales of new homes went up by 9.4 percent, the biggest increase since December 2000. |