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These Are the Plunde
ÀúÀÚ | Gretchen Morgenson
ÃâÆÇ»ç | Simon & Schuster
Inside Steve"s
ÀúÀÚ | Leander Kahne
ÃâÆÇ»ç | Portfolio
New Leaders Wanted -
ÀúÀÚ | Leandro Herrero
ÃâÆÇ»ç | Meetingminds
The Conceptual Age H
The 20th century economy was dominated by left-brain thinkers ?the lawyers, accountants, engineers, and software programmers whose work relies on the linear, logical parts of their minds.
The Management Myth
ÀúÀÚ | Matthew Stewart
ÃâÆÇ»ç | W. W. Norton & Company