The Hyper-Human Econ |
As machines and software take over more and more of the work that people once performed, we will see profound changes in the labor market. |
Global Migration Is |
According to a new report from the United Nations, 191 million people now live in countries other than the ones in which they were born. |
The Economics of the |
Most people have heard of the 80-20 Rule. It was formulated in 1906 by an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto. In its original form, it states that 20 percent of the people will hold 80 percent of the wealth in any free economy. Further research has shown that it applies to many other aspects of the economy. |
Oil Prices Are Poise |
As explained in the June 2006 Trends issue, the price of oil is not up because the world is running out of oil. |
Off-Shoring, D??Vu |
Every 15 years or so, we’re told that America’s economy faces a grave danger because of the loss of jobs to foreign companies. |